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The aspects of trust, affection, familiarity, and motivation, to name a few, are important characteristics of human relationships, which are not amenable to machines. I aim to bridge this gap by understanding and augmenting the emotional interactions of humans with technology. My pursuit of this goal has been highly enriching and memorable, and the journey has had many noteworthy experiences. 

Teaching & Talks

Backed off of these experience, I am currently involved in the field of teaching and mentoring students at the University of Michigan.
To elaborate, I currently, teach SI 487: UX Capstone Project, and previously 482: Interaction Design Studio as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) at the School of Information, and ARTDES 345: Intro to Interaction Design as a Guest Lecturer at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design

I'm always looking out for exciting projects, feel free to connect.

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