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A mixed methods summer

A confluence of qualitative and quantitative user research for large industry clients.

Internship Project | Digital Systems, CX Research team @ J.D. Power | May'23 - Aug'23


Executive Summary

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Problem Domain

J.D. Power conducts syndicated and proprietary studies for all industry leaders in the automotive, banking, and insurance sectors to evaluate their performance and customer experience. I was tasked with conducting macro quantitative and qualitative data analysis for these studies from a UX perspective.


I dabbled with user sampling and remote surveying with sample sizes ranging from 10,000 - 100,000 participants. Moreover, I also conducted quantitative data analysis using SPSS and PowerSource to conduct Sig. Tests and Regression Analysis. Lastly, I also dealt with Metadata evaluation, heuristic mapping, and usability audits for qualitative data analysis.


I learnt and mastered SPSS and PowerSource software within 2 months, and conducted various quantitative data analysis studies using Sig. Tests, Regression Analysis, and Trend Analysis. I also practiced and honed my skills in remote user surveying, micro-usability testing, analytical hierarchy process tests, quality checks, and metadata analysis.


I conducted studies across 3 different industry types with over 20 different client decks. I conducted mixed-methods UX experiments to share-out more than 15 different actionable design recommendations for several client's digital systems across the automotive and banking sectors.

There's so much more, Check out the full case study:

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