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Emotional Architecture

The story of Rubix and Information Architecture

Designing a novel method of cataloging human emotions using the rotations and colors of a Rubik's Cube. 


Executive Summary

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Problem Domain

The field of collecting emotional data from users is split into qualitative user study methods like interviews, ethnography, etc. and highly technological solutions like EEGs, GSRs etc. This polarity presents an opportunity for more accessible emotional data collection methods. Rubix is my attempt at cataloging human emotions using a Rubik's cube.


I was able to create a new 3-dimensional method of qualitative data collection and mapping of human emotions using a Rubik's cube matrix. The crux of the technique relied on colors and cubes to chart out a visual matrix of any experience.


I initially did deep secondary research, on qualitative user research methods. Next, I did an ethnographic experiment with 30 participants to find out their ability to articulate their emotions. This was followed by a second round of user testing, and affinity mapping  paired with quantitative data from round 1.


I presented my findings at The World Information Architecture Day 2023, Ann Arbor, MI. The event was hosted by The Understanding Group in conjunction with the School of Information, University of Michigan.

There's so much more, Check out the full case study:

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