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Universality X Communication

Multimodal Communication for Inclusivity

Anirudh Kundu, Nipun Sharma, Sahil R, Partha Pratim Das

A research study conducted in the Department of Design, Delhi Technological University focussed on creating a universal solution while exploring the fields of communication and navigation. This project acts as the foundation for another subsequent project, namely, "Zero : Mapping Multimodal Communication for Inclusive Navigation".

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Universal Design is a concept with the objective to provide holistic solutions catering to the widest user set without the need for specialised modifications. It aims to inculcate the virtues of inclusivity and accessibility for all. Within the socially dynamic setup requiring an effective exchange of information, communication acts as a vital process facilitating avid human development. Hence, the ability to interact with any service or product to its maximum capacity needs to be made available and usable for every user.

Following the virtues of accessible communication, the scope of an enhanced user experience was explored through this study. A deep research-oriented process was conducted and has been discussed in detail. Intensive conceptual research along with the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) was delved upon to analyze diverse communication systems streamlining the approach of the study. This was followed by the self-devised Binary Theorem Experiment (BTX), which was performed with the objective of solidifying the hypothesis of the Experiential Usability of multimodal communication over its unimodal form.


The Research paper was communicated successfully to the Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society by Springer in July 2021 and is currently under review. 

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